This is a reminder that all accounts should be current and at a zero balance by the 20th of the current month unless you have contacted the office with an alternative payment plan. If you cannot have your account paid up and current, please call the office before the 20th. You can pay it online by phone by calling 803-358-8623, drop it in the drop box at the Town Office, or log in to your account at and make your payment. Your payment must be posted by 20th of the current month. If you don't have an account, you can create one at the All accounts not paid in full by the 20th will be charged a disconnection fee automatically.
All payments are due by the 10th of each month.
10 percent penalty will be charged to all accounts not paid in full by the 12th of the month.
All accounts will be automatically charged a disconnection fee if not paid in full by the 20th of each month.